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Fishing Machine : Master’s Hacking Techniques Revealed

Fishing Machine is an electronic game that has undergone years of continuous improvement. Its origins can be traced back to the goldfish scooping game in Japan. At that time, an engineer realized its commercial value and kept improving it until it became the electronic fishing machine we see today. Surprisingly, this game has been widely welcomed, and various types of fishing machine models have emerged on the market, but the basic gameplay remains largely the same. To help players better enjoy the game, some even publicly share the hacking techniques of fishing machines, making it easier for players to master the tricks of the game!

Fishing Machine : Master's Hacking Techniques Revealed


The concept of online fishing machines and online slot machines is very similar. Both are designed to pursue the highest jackpot, and the system will continue to accumulate the chips wagered by players until it reaches the threshold for the jackpot. Therefore, as a fishing machine player, what you need to understand is that the money you win is not the machine’s money, but the chips invested by other players. Conversely, the money you lose is also taken by other players. Gaming platforms like Fun Entertainment City only provide online game system environments and charge “service fees”. All gambling games have a commission mechanism, and fishing machines are no exception. In other words, when you bet one thousand dollars, you can actually only get nine hundred and ninety dollars in prize money in the end, because the casino will take ten dollars as a commission fee.

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Whether it’s fishing machines, slot machines, or other gambling games, it requires caution and calmness, and you shouldn’t let your emotions influence your decision-making. When the amount of your bets loses more than half, you should change your strategy and not be obsessed with a certain method or cannon type, but adapt and constantly adjust your game strategy. In the fishing machine game, when you first enter the game, you should use a small cannon instead of being greedy and using a large cannon from the beginning. The game probability is lower, and it is easy to lose all your chips. If you unfortunately lose the bet amount, consider it as paying tuition fees, stay calm, and focus on how to use the remaining chips to win more profits.


In the fishing game, “leisure cycle,” “eating points cycle,” and “spitting points cycle” are three very important cycles, which represent different win or loss states that players may encounter in the game. The design behind these cycles has a sophisticated mechanism that aims to enable players to continue betting, enjoy the game, and make money at the same time. Therefore, as long as players can make good use of these cycles, they can win in the fishing game.

“Leisure cycle” means that your chips will remain stable, and there will not be too much win or loss. This cycle allows you to take a break.

“Eating points cycle” means that during this period, the fish’s defense ability will increase, and players will find it harder to kill fish. However, this also means that when you successfully kill a fish, you will get more bonuses.

“Spitting points cycle” means that during this period, the fish’s defense ability will decrease, and players will find it easier to kill fish. However, at the same time, it also means that when you fail, you will lose more chips.

Fishing Machine Tips

Master the timing to catch big fish

Different fishing games have different gameplay, but if you see a big fish or a golden turtle appear next to your cannon in the game, don’t rush to shoot, otherwise you will only waste your game currency. In addition, when a shark swims from the left or right of the screen with a group of small fish, you need to increase firepower to attack, which can increase your chances of winning points.

Shoot the scoring fish to win points

When you see a group of small fish, small turtles, or slow-moving schools of fish appear near your cannon, these are scoring fish that can be killed easily, which can increase your score.

Master the changes in fish schools

When you see a big fish, don’t rush to fire your weapon. You should observe carefully first. If the big fish swims quickly, a few shots won’t be able to hit it. You should conserve your firepower and wait for the best time to shoot. In the game, it’s often difficult to shoot your target because other fish may block your view. Therefore, when aiming at your target, you should pay attention to the surrounding fish. You can use a small gun to shoot small fish, and a big gun to attack big fish or schools of fish. Don’t waste your bullets on fish that are too far away.

For beginners:

it is recommended to try to shoot fish that are nearby. As you become more familiar with the game, you can gradually increase the difficulty level. In the game, there will be more advanced fish such as sharks, for which you can use accumulated energy to launch an energy cannon to attack. This not only effectively hits the high-difficulty fish species, but also saves the usage of bullets.

Pay attention to trajectory and rebound

When shooting fish, you need to pay attention to trajectory and rebound. Many times, our bullets will miss or fly away directly due to the fish’s rebound, wasting bullets and time. Therefore, you should observe the fish’s movements more and predict the direction of the fish’s rebound, and then adjust the launch angle of the bullets to hit the fish more efficiently.

Control the usage of bullets

In fishing games, bullets are a very important resource, so it is important to control the usage of bullets and avoid wasting them unnecessarily. Players are advised to determine their budget and risk tolerance before starting the game, and monitor their bullet usage during the game to master the quantity and timing of each shot, in order to achieve better results.

Use props to increase earnings

There are various props in fishing games, such as accelerators and bombs, which can increase the player’s earnings. However, it is also important to use them at the right time and not waste their effects. In addition, some games have a prop store where players can purchase better guns, stronger props, etc. using coins or gems. However, players should not overly rely on props in order to truly experience the fun of the game.

Master the game rhythm

In fishing games, the game rhythm is very important. Players need to master the game rhythm in order to better respond to different game situations. Some games have different levels and difficulties, and players need to adapt to different game rhythms in order to achieve better results. In addition, players need to master their emotions and remain calm and rational, not allowing the game plot to affect them, in order to truly enjoy the fun of the game.

Tips for Playing Fishing Games

Playing fishing games doesn’t necessarily require too much thinking. I have played the trial version before, and because I didn’t have to spend my own money, I chose the strongest cannon and fired at the school of fish, feeling very easy to hit. Fish near the gun turret are also easy targets, but for rare golden species, it is necessary to learn how to lock the target and attack them directly, or you will waste a lot of bullets. Fishing games are very easy to get started, and have been popular for a long time. There will be more diverse and different styles of fishing games in the future, but the basic gameplay remains the same. Let’s look forward to the future of fishing games together!

If you haven’t played such a fun game like fishing games yet, I recommend you to experience it on Apoiio.