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Online Casino – What Is an Online Casino?

Online Casino | When it comes to the world of gambling, there are two distinct realms: traditional brick and mortar casinos and their online counterparts. Traditional casinos operate as physical establishments where players can place bets on various games, including slot machines, video poker, blackjack, craps, and roulette.

Online Casino - What Is an Online Casino?

On the other hand, online casinos provide virtual versions of these gambling experiences accessible through the internet. While they generally offer similar odds and probabilities to traditional casinos, some online platforms may even provide more favorable odds.

Although many online casinos share payback percentages, it’s essential to approach these figures with skepticism. Questioning these statistics is prudent, as their accuracy can vary.

Most online casinos utilize software to power their games, with some incorporating live dealers and webcams. Even casinos offering live experiences rely on software packages to facilitate these interactions.

If you’re considering trying your hand at online gambling, this article provides all the necessary information about online casinos.

As long as you fully comprehend the nature of online gambling from the outset, there’s nothing inherently wrong with engaging in online casino activities.

Exploring the Two Main Types of Online Casino

While there are numerous ways to categorize online casinos, fundamentally, there are two primary types:

  1. Software-based Casinos: These online casinos rely on software programs equipped with random number generators (RNGs) to produce game outcomes. In the realm of slot machines, online casinos operate similarly to their brick and mortar counterparts.

Traditional casinos also employ RNGs to determine slot machine results.

Table games, however, present a different scenario. Most reputable online casinos program their RNGs to replicate the same probabilities as those found in physical casinos.

For instance, an online blackjack game essentially mimics a video game with an RNG programmed to determine numbers as it would using a standard 52-card deck.

Similarly, an online roulette game presents 38 possible outcomes, maintaining the probability of winning a single number bet at 37 to 1.

Online craps games simulate the roll of two virtual dice, following the same bell curve distribution as real dice.

  1. Live Dealer Casinos: Contrasting software-based casinos, live dealer casinos employ actual dealers and genuine casino equipment to generate results for table games. Nevertheless, their slot machines function similarly to those found in other online casinos.

In live dealer casinos, players witness a real person on the other end of the webcam dealing cards, shuffling, rolling dice, or spinning the roulette wheel.

Many gamblers prefer this immersive experience, although others are indifferent to the format.

The software powering the former type of online casinos typically resembles high-quality casino-based video games. Some casinos may implement different rules for their games compared to those found in physical establishments.

However, in general, internet casinos offer fair games with odds comparable to those available in traditional brick and mortar casinos.

Distinguishing Online Casinos: Software-based vs. Live Dealer

Online Casino - What Is an Online Casino?

In the realm of online casinos, two distinct categories emerge amidst various classification schemes:

  1. Software-based Casinos: These online casinos rely on sophisticated software programs, employing random number generator (RNG) algorithms to determine game outcomes. When it comes to slot machine games, online casinos operate remarkably similar to brick and mortar establishments.

Traditional casinos also utilize computer programs known as random number generators to ascertain slot machine results.

Table games present a different scenario altogether. Most reputable online casinos program their RNGs to accurately replicate the probabilities observed in physical casinos.

For instance, an online blackjack game essentially functions as a video game, where the RNG determines numbers akin to using a standard 52-card deck.

Likewise, online roulette features 38 possible outcomes, maintaining a 37 to 1 probability for winning a single number bet.

Online craps simulate the roll of two virtual dice, adhering to the same bell curve distribution found with real dice.

  1. Live Dealer Casinos: In contrast, live dealer casinos offer an authentic casino experience by employing live dealers and actual casino equipment to generate results for table games. However, their slot machines operate in a manner similar to other online casinos.

With live dealer casinos, players witness real individuals dealing cards, shuffling, rolling dice, or spinning the roulette wheel through webcam feeds.

While many gamblers appreciate this immersive encounter, some remain indifferent to the format.

The software used by the former category of online casinos typically resembles high-quality, casino-based video games. Certain casinos may employ unique rules for their games compared to traditional casinos.

Nonetheless, internet casinos, for the most part, provide fair games with odds comparable to those found in traditional brick and mortar establishments.

Distinguishing Features of Online Casino Games Compared to Traditional Casino Games

While online casino games largely resemble their brick and mortar counterparts, there are a few noteworthy differences to consider:

Online Blackjack:

Online blackjack closely resembles traditional blackjack, but a few differences are worth mentioning. Most online casinos provide multiple versions of the game, so it’s crucial to identify the options that offer the best player advantages.

Additionally, all online casinos shuffle the deck after each deal, making card counting impossible, even in live dealer blackjack games where continuous shuffling machines are used. However, employing correct basic strategy remains effective, and many online blackjack games offer payback percentages as low as 0.5% or better.

Online Craps:

Online craps differs primarily in terms of the overall experience rather than gameplay mechanics. The excitement of rooting for the shooter alongside fellow players is a distinctive aspect of traditional craps in a physical casino. Live dealer craps aims to replicate this atmosphere, but it still falls short as players are unable to physically roll the dice themselves.

Online Roulette:

Online roulette shares similarities with traditional roulette, but most online casinos offer both European and American variations. It is advisable to choose the European version (single zero) over the American version (zero and double zero) to optimize your odds. The house edge for American roulette is 5.26%, while European roulette offers a lower house edge of 2.70%.

Online Slot Machines:

Online slot machines operate almost identically to their brick and mortar counterparts. Both utilize random number generator programs to determine outcomes, with specific probabilities assigned to symbol combinations. Payouts are designed to maintain a specific payback percentage over the long run. Many slot machine games found in traditional casinos are now available online, with some exclusive online titles.

Online Video Poker:

Online video poker closely mirrors traditional video poker games, employing similar random number generators and probabilities based on a standard 52-card deck. Finding full pay video poker pay tables may be more challenging online, but it’s worth searching for games offering at least a 98% payback percentage. Various websites provide guidance on pay table payouts, but achieving optimal payback percentages requires making mathematically sound decisions on each hand.

Other Online Casino Games:

In addition to the popular games mentioned above, online casinos also offer other games like baccarat and sic bo, albeit their availability may vary. Before committing to an online casino, it’s advisable to explore their game selection to ensure they offer the desired games.