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Crypto Founder Dead – Body Found by the Lakeside

Crypto founder dead by the lakeside – The cryptocurrency market has allowed many opportunistic individuals to acquire enviable wealth. However, along with great fortunes, there comes the risk of being targeted by malicious individuals who see these billionaires as prey…

In just a decade, the cryptocurrency market has undergone constant transformations, with a total market capitalization that nearly reached 3 trillion US dollars in 2021. The early adopters who sensed the opportunity have created numerous tales of sudden wealth, painstakingly building their own empires of prosperity. While they are admired and praised by the world, lurking behind them is the imminent danger of violence inching closer with each step…

Crypto Founder Dead - Body Found by the Lakeside

Emergency physician reported missing 10 days ago

In the state of Missouri, 49-year-old emergency physician John Forsyth, known as the “Bitcoin millionaire,” was reported missing on May 21st after failing to show up for his shift at the small-town emergency room. His brother, who is also his cryptocurrency company partner, was the first to feel that something was very wrong. John had served in that emergency room for over a decade and had never missed a day of work. His brother told reporters, “Even if his eyeballs fell out, he wouldn’t miss a shift… This is a danger sign!”

The last known contact from John Forsyth was a text message he sent to his recently engaged fiancée early on the day he disappeared. The message read, “See you later!” Later, his car was found unlocked near a nearby lake, with his cellphone, briefcase, wallet, and passport inside.

Surveillance footage from the area where the car was parked revealed that after John Forsyth parked his car, a white van approached. After 15 minutes, John Forsyth left his car, leaving behind all his belongings, and got into the van without taking anything with him.

The brother reveals suspicious aspects

When John Forsyth went missing, his brother told reporters that their joint cryptocurrency company, Onfocoin, had made some enemies over the years. In a 2020 interview, John Forsyth had even stated, “I mined Bitcoin and Litecoin early on and held onto them. The enormous appreciation of these assets allowed me to invest in other cryptocurrency technologies, ultimately transitioning to the development of Onfo, a platform that helps people earn money through mining on the internet.”

ohn Forsyth is a father of seven children. Tearfully, his son told reporters that his father had been very interested in cryptocurrency for the past ten years. Before his disappearance, John’s dual role as an emergency room physician and a cryptocurrency entrepreneur kept him extremely busy. John’s sister also posted a missing person notice on Facebook during his disappearance, expressing her deep concerns: “I am extremely worried that he may have passed away. Please don’t let this be the end. His departure will leave a permanent void in my life…”

Crypto Founder Dead – Found dead by the lake 9 days later

Crypto Founder Dead – His brother told reporters that Forsyth had actually been kidnapped in 2022 but did not report it to the police. He chose not to do so out of fear that reporting the incident would put him in an even more dangerous situation. His brother believes that the previous kidnapping was related to “cryptocurrency.” Forsyth had knowledge of the perpetrators’ account information, and the kidnappers warned him to maintain “anonymity and silence.”

Crypto Founder Dead - Body Found by the Lakeside

After Forsyth was reported missing, the police conducted an extensive search within a 9-mile radius using police dogs and drones, but to no avail.

On May 30th, the unfortunate outcome was revealed. Dr. John Forsyth, 49 years old, was found dead by the lake near a large reservoir in northeastern Arkansas. The cause of death was primarily determined to be gunshot wounds. It had been 9 days since his family last saw him. The police have not disclosed specific details about the gunshot wounds or indicated whether John Forsyth’s death was a homicide or suicide. The overall circumstances of the case remain unclear.

Forsyth had just finalized his divorce on May 11th and got engaged to his current fiancée a week later. The last time the two brothers saw each other was on the evening of May 17th. His brother told reporters, “I told him it was the happiest I had seen him. He got divorced on May 11th, and I thought that gave him energy for the future…”

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